Miss Emma Slater
Deputy Head
Reception Class Teacher, Specialist Geography and Music Teacher
B.Sc (Hons) Geography, Post Graduate Certificate in Education, United Kingdom
Briefly describe your career (teaching or otherwise) to date.
I began teaching 10 years ago in the UK and taught at two fairly different schools, both of which were great although had various different challenges.
Why did you choose teaching as a career and what do you try to instil in your pupils?
I think I first chose teaching as a career when I was about 3 years old! I love working with children as every day is so wildly different and I enjoy seeing the progress that can be made in such a short period of them. I try to instil perseverance and determination to all the children I teach.
Apart from your classroom teaching role, what else do you get involved with at the school?
I lead the school choir and direct the bi-annual community pantomime!
In your opinion, what makes Kennedy House special?
The huge mixture of cultures and backgrounds of all of the staff and pupils. It makes conversations so interesting!
Who or what inspires you?
Roald Dahl, he said "Those who don't believe in magic will never find it".
Tell us something that not a lot of people know about you.
I play the harp.